Our NEWS & interview
11 min readSep 13, 2020

- 旭沙龍 中文 Podcast 專訪:Apple 、Spotify、KKBOX、Google、逐字稿
- #飛雁姐妹耀國際 中企處專訪影片
- 【解決方案】讓硬碟裡的音樂重生 愛飛媒平運用AI為影像找到最佳拍檔
- NVIDIA GTC: Maximizing Video and Music Production Efficiency with AI Technology
- Taiwan business start-up: A.V. Mapping, 2020
- TSP S8 Ep01: New Technology at CES 2022 Day 1
- Dtalk Selection of CES 2022 AV Mapping為影像創作者加速音樂授權流程|2022–01–07
- CES 2022: AV Mapping provides music licensing solutions for visual content creators|2022–01–07
- A.V. Mapping, ‘CES 2022’ 참가… 원스톱 AI 영상 음악 맵핑&라이선싱 특허 플랫폼 알린다!|2022–01–07

- A.V. Mapping, ‘CES 2022’ 참가… 원스톱 AI 영상 음악 맵핑&라이선싱 특허 플랫폼 알린다!|2022–01–04
- A.V. Mapping, ‘CES 2022’ Participation… A.I. Film Music Platform Leads Original Creations to Greater Heights|2022–01–04
- 商業週刊:12組創業超新星I》用AI科技創造新未來 |2021–12–17
- بازدید از وب سامیت ۲۰۲۱#تکنولوژی #websummit -Youtube| 2021–11–06
- The top 50 startups to discover at Web Summit 2021| 2021–10–08
- Evernote前執行長 參加矽谷北美台灣新創論壇| 2021–09–08
- TechCrunch虛擬會 9.21起連3天
台美新創論壇將登場 16團隊展示五大領域成果 | 2021–08–31 - NATEA and TTA SV to hold pitchoff event on September | 2021–08–30
- 聯合新聞網:台10家科技新創前進矽谷 人工智慧與生醫掛帥| 2021–08–20
- 中時新聞網:台10家科技新創前進矽谷 人工智慧與生醫掛帥| 2021–08–20
- 中央通訊社:台10家科技新創前進矽谷 人工智慧與生醫掛帥| 2021–08–20
- Local news for Chinese:台科技新創基地加州柏克萊加速器展演| 2021–08–12
- Tittle Press:Taiwan Tech Arena to Host Its First Global Innovation Pitch Showcase in Partnership with Berkeley SkyDeck| 2021–08–11
- EXBulletin: Taiwan Tech Arena to Host Its First Global Innovation Pitch Showcase in Partnership with Berkeley SkyDeck| 2021–08–11
- NEWS BREAK: Taiwan Tech Arena to Host Its First Global Innovation Pitch Showcase in Partnership with Berkeley SkyDeck| 2021–08–11
- Digital Journal:Taiwan Tech Arena to Host Its First Global Innovation Pitch Showcase in Partnership with Berkeley SkyDeck| 2021–08–11
- Accesswire:Taiwan Tech Arena to Host Its First Global Innovation Pitch Showcase in Partnership with Berkeley SkyDeck| 2021–08–11
- AP NEWS:Taiwan Tech Arena to Host Its First Global Innovation Pitch Showcase in Partnership with Berkeley SkyDeck| 2021–08–11
- Yahoo Finance:Taiwan Tech Arena to Host Its First Global Innovation Pitch Showcase in Partnership with Berkeley SkyDeck| 2021–08–11
- Taiwan Startup Community: A.V. Mapping
- Sign up for the US-TW Startup Forum!
- Berkeley SkyDeck:A.V. Mapping (Batch 12 GIP) invites you to the Film-AI-Music (FAIM) Festival! | 2021–07–20
- CES 2021 A.V. Mapping Solusi Paten Hak Cipta Konten Digital|2021–07–1
- 16 Top Taiwan Music Companies and Startups of 2021| 2021–06
- BestStartup:Top Taiwan Software Companies and Startups of 2021| 2021–06–23
- She Loves Tech 2020 Finalists| 2021–06–02
- Taiwan business start-up: A.V. Mapping, 2020| 2021–04–22
- FOB Business Community: A.V. Mapping Co., Ltd
- Why you need AV Mapping AI engine for video content creation @ CES | 2021–02–26
- 1900社をレビュー!CES2021マラソン — Week1まとめ| 2021–02–05
- A.V. Mapping Taiwanese startup May Be Answer To Copyright fights| 2021–01–08
- New Taiwanese startup A.V. Mapping may put an end to copyright battles| 2021–01–07
- Web Summit -Vimeo-A.V. Mapping Co., LTD| 2021–01–17
- Bisnis.com: CES 2021: A.V. Mapping Solusi Paten Hak Cipta Konten Digital | 2021-01-07
- Morningstar: New Taiwanese startup A.V. Mapping may put an end to copyright battles | 2021 - 01 - 07
- A.V. Mapping Video-Music Mapping A.I. Platform, Creating Connection in Seclusion | 2021–03–11
- 2021 CES Tech podcast 台美連線直播 | 2021–01–14
- 2021 CES 專屬 Virtual Booth | 2021–01–11
- Startup Weekly: Taiwanese startup A.V. Mapping solves copyright battles for creators | 2021–01–07
- PR Newswire: New Taiwanese startup A.V. Mapping may put an end to copyright battles | 2021–01–06
- Yahoo Finance: New Taiwanese startup A.V. Mapping may put an end to copyright battles | 2021–01–07
- TechNews: 科技部領軍 100 家新創進駐 TTA 線上 VR 館,挑戰 CES 2021 | 2021–01–11
- BNext: 【CES 2021】迎戰全面線上化!科技部攜100家台灣新創,打造全VR的線上場館 | 2021–01–11
- PRNewswire: CES 2021 iStaging leverages its powerful AR/VR technology to deliver virtual exhibition | 2021–01–12
- Yahoo finance: CES 2021 iStaging leverages its powerful AR/VR technology to deliver virtual exhibition | 2021–01–12
- 中華電信5G加速器前進Meet Taipei 爭取新創5G應用落地機會 | 2021–01–05
- 中華電信5G加速器 | 2020–10–29
(1) 2020中華電信5G加速器-5G加速器成果發表會
(2) 經濟部中小企業處X中華電信 『5G定向育成加速器』| 5G加速器成果發表會 現場直擊 - 國立政治大學傳播新聞實驗室:當AI照進影音創作 為版權糾紛提供新解| 2020–10–02
- She Loves Tech: 2020 Global Female Entrepreneur Top 24 | 2020–09–28
- 女性創業飛雁計畫: 恭喜飛雁第一屆加速器女創 #記一影音製作股份有限公司A.V. Mapping獲得今日She Loves Tech 港、澳、台三區的區域冠軍,順利晉級全球決賽! | 2020–09–26
- Global Shapers Taipei: 恭喜 A.V. Mapping 即將代表台灣、香港、澳門參加 11 月的 She Loves Tech 全球總決賽! | 2020–09–28
- Leadpact 具有影響力的領導力: She Loves Tech 今年台港澳比賽名單出爐囉!第一名是台灣的團隊! | 2020–09–29
- Lean in Taiwan | 2020–09–28
- Lean in Taipei | 2020–09–28
- 當AI照進影音創作 為版權糾紛提供新解 | 2020–10–02
- A.V. Mapping — An A.I. Video Music Mapping platform won the 2020 Red Dot Design Award — Best of the Best | 2020–08–31
- A.V. Mapping- A.I. 配樂平台榮獲2020德國紅點設計大獎Best of the Best | 2020–08–31
- 賀【A.V. Mapping】榮獲🎫【紅點設計Best of the Best】大獎👏👏👏 | 2020–08–31
- 2020 TTA 🇺🇸赴美資助計畫 | 2020–06–04
- 工院生轉職配樂家,成立AI新創領上2020紅點設計大獎 Best Of the Best | 2020–07–09

- 2019 年 TTA 奇點亞太創業競賽-APAC亞太區前十大新創 | 2019–12–14
- 竹科大小事:竹科新創-FITI-108–2 之決選團隊💖
亞洲媒平(愛飛媒平) A.V. Mapping | 2019–11–20 - 2019 創業小聚 Meet Startup | 2019–11–16

- 2019 南科新創團隊再創佳績!獲Left Coast Ventures青睞 | 2019–10–25
- 2019 DIT創夢市集決賽-AI找配樂紛出籠,台灣娛樂生活創業有哪些熱門方向? | 2019–09–30