Events Overview

A.V. Mapping
3 min readFeb 19, 2023


A.V. Mapping And LA Tech Week Showcasing Global Creativity and AI Innovation

A.V. Mapping And LA Tech Week Showcasing Global Creativity and AI Innovation

🚀 Hundreds of participants from around the world came together to showcase the remarkable talent and innovative potential of Taiwanese and global creativity and AI innovation through A.V. Mapping and LA Tech Week.

A.V. Mapping, an award-winning video music AI platform, was one of the co-hosts of LA Tech Week. The company hosted two events for creators and web3 enthusiasts in LA, giving participants a glimpse into the future of content creation and the role of AI and NFTs in the process.

🚀A.V. Mapping與洛杉磯科技周共同舉辦創作者聚會與發表,全球創作者展示作品與人工智慧創新

來自世界各地的數百名參與者聚集在一起,通過A.V. Mapping和LA Tech Week展示了台灣和全球創意和人工智慧創新的卓越才華和創新潛力。
A.V. Mapping 在洛杉磯舉辦了兩個給創作者和Web3熱愛者的活動-「影視、元宇宙、NFT創作者展示與交流聚會」,讓當地創作者討論更多創意產業的未來,以及人工智慧和NFTs的角色。

中文版 #avmapping:與洛杉磯科技周共同舉辦創作者聚會與發表,全球創作者展示作品與人工智慧創新/
ZONE SOUND 融聲創意 郭佩奇PeggyKuo
#LATechWeek #LA #TechWeek #Tech #AI #Creators #GenerativeAI

2022 San Francisco Tech Week*Dyjv-exJ03JlrvgifOhCrQ.jpeg
2022 San Francisco Tech Week

When it comes to San Francisco tech, what comes to your mind?

Salesforce, LinkedIn, Dropbox, Lyft, Uber or even south to Meta, Apple, Adobe, eBay, Hewlett Packard(HP), NVIDIA, PayPal, Zoom.. and so on. In bay area, you can see those skyscrapers with fancy offices and campus where served thousands of employees. Silicon Valley is the most famous business spot around the world, where made $6.1 Billion revenue last year.

Then, imaging, who was on San Francisco Tech Week?

San Francisco Tech Week (SFTW) is organized by a number of Venture Capitals (VCs), entrepreneurs, and community leaders in the Bay Area.

Luckily, A.V. Mapping is one of the co-host!

A.V. Mapping held a creator’s mixer inside Draper University. So glad that A.V. Mapping made it with Draper University. Even just a creator’s meetup & mixer, A.V. Mapping got 200 people signed up! Including some famous companies and venture capital, and of course, a house of creators!


Meet Global👉

FAIM Festival Embarks the Brand New Journey from Film to AI

2021 FAIM Festival

The FAIM Festival shines a spotlight on the union of film and music to make great art. It will be presented to the filmmaker community who is deemed to have submitted the best short film, under 20 minutes long, with the submission period running from today until August 15 through the FAIM website.

In the meantime, the FAIM festival presents FIRESIDE@FAIM sessions, featuring revolutionary audiovisual AI products, as well as talks between winning filmmakers, experienced professionals, and so on.

“We aim to welcome various films to the FAIM this summer to experience a flavour of what the AI has to offer to film art.”

不用等國門解封! AI 帶領元宇宙創作大會系列活動,幫助創作者打破疆界、打造國際化 IP

隨著元宇宙進入主流,全球各大品牌摩拳擦掌進入 Web 3.0,

甫從LA Tech Week 帶來第一手消息的AI音樂媒合平台-愛飛媒平股份有限公司 A.V. Mapping 和長期鏈接國際品牌在地化的跨界品牌顧問-文青果品牌顧問 BuonX Consultancy 帶來第一手視覺科技趨勢觀察與實戰分享,除了一系列的講座與活 動,與創作者一同跨出同溫層,同時也要跨界聯手,在2023年8月以 Web 3.0 與元宇宙的形式,讓全球跨國界的影視音創作者結合 AI,共同打造一場結合科技、音樂、視覺、藝術創作的元宇宙革命,有興趣的影視音創作者不要錯過10月6日 18:30 的【全球影音創作者與科技共創趨勢系列交流分享會】。*jfTY__QZBiabKcObYAbBWw.png




A.V. Mapping

A.V. Mapping is a service to automatically match musics from hundreds of musicians to your movie.